Friday, June 19, 2009

What do I title this one?

So I've made the decision to not get on the scale at all for the next two weeks or so. I feel like it's slowing me down and lowering my motivation. Here I am stuck.. not being able to move down into the next 10 lbs.. it sucks! lol I am stuck fluctuating between 190 and 192. So, I am not stepping on any more scales for a while, but I will continue to go to the gym as I have been and trying my best to stay on track with eating right.

This is going to be a long run.

I know this blog was short.. I'm kind of tired. I'll be back later, maybe.

Friday, June 12, 2009


Ok, so I wasn't planning on posting twice today.. but when I was at the gym, I saw a woman doing push-ups with a yoga ball. I think thats something I may try in the future. she pretty much rested her legs on the ball and went from there.

if anyone has any ab exercise, please feel free to share!!!

Stubborn-ness at it's finest!

Sooo, here I am, back onto things and trying to stay in the swing of things and continue making the most of the money that I'm paying at Bally's. And, things are going great, I will not doubt that. However, I guess from the first few relapses I had that there's a few stubborn lbs that will not go away! But I'm working on it.

Today I had my usual lunch, baked fish, steamed broccoli and brown rice. It seems to get better every time, fortunately.

Also, I put on these workout pants today that I havent worn in a long time, mostly because I dont like spandex.. i prefer working out in cotton. lol BUT, today I put those pants on and they fit really different.. in a way that made me happy. So, I'm going to keep pushing at it and hoping for the best.

I hate to try and set certain goals with a time frame when it comes to weight loss.. but I can't help myself. By the end of this month, I want to have lost at least another 8-10 lbs. that would really make me happy. Let's see how it goes. ALSO, I will post more pics to show progress probably in 1.5 weeks.

Do you have any good recipe's that I could put to use?

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Best Workout Ever!!!

Ok so I've posted about my relapses and workouts that I like to do.. and sooner than later, I'll post different recipe's that I like to cook.

But anyway, I'm off work today so I was able to spend more time at the gym today. To warm up, I started on the eliptical for 5 minutes. Then, I moved to 3 different leg machines where the primary tool is your legs. I'll get the names of those machines when I go back to the gym tomorrow.

Then, the core of my workout, I go over to the studio part of Bally's, grab a yoga ball and do this exercise that a personal trainer taught me. Here are the instructions on how to do it: (this is an ab workout)

1. Lay flat on your back and fold your legs so that they make a 90 degree angle. lying down, you should look like this:


the full line is your back, where the lines connect is your bent knees, and the dotted/dashes lines are your legs.

2. Take the yoga ball and place it inbetween your legs.

3. With your right arm, reach up to touch the left side of the ball. Go back down and with your left arm reach up and touch the right side of the ball. So basically, you are going on opposite sides of your body when you come up.


For the mose part, you should feel your lower abs working the most.

4. Repeat reps of 15 with each arm so that when you are done with your very first rep, you have done 30 altogether.


I'll post more exercises I do and I'll even try to take some pictures of it for you! Enjoy! Tell me about your success!

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The Embarassing Part

Ok so... as promised, I have pictures that basically show me at the beginning stage of my whole weightloss journey. These pictures were taken today and just pretty much show my starting poinIt's only a pic of my mid-section b/c I felt that that is the most important part right now. In the mid-section pics, this is me like 2 hours after working out at Bally's.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Keep Rollin', Rollin', Rollin', Rollin', WHAT?!


I'm back on the ball and back in action!!!! I finally made my way back to the gym and it was like.. a really good release! I'm so happy and my body feels really good right now. Anyways, I PROMISEEEEE that I will post some pics today! lol I'm gonna take pics of the areas I am working on with my web cam.

I have to be honest--- last night, I had what I think you call.. is it, a binge? Well, Idk what it's called but I had ice cream. :(

Anyways, I have to get ready for work.. but before I do that, I'm going to season my fish for dinner later on when I get in from work.

Also, I want to say that it really does help getting out of the house working out instead of staying in. I get the benefit of all different types of machines when I'm at Bally's and I love it! Plus, some of the male personal trainers are very nice eye candy! lol

Want some tips or advice about machines or gadgets (like yoga balls) that I use at the gym?

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Te Definition of Slacker

So if you look in the dictionary and look up the word "Slacker" you will see my name and picture next to it! I woke up this morning at 6 am and disregarded my alarm to get up and go to the gym! Not only that, but my friend who I thought was going with me decided not to go, so I guess I lost my own motivation. :(

This really sucks! But what I do know is that I will not lose this battle with myself! Progress is a slow Process! I mean yes I could be doing a bit better with less slacking, but you have to admit, loosing weight on your own is hard and it takes real time to fully get through it! Sooooooooo, everyone please just bare with me! Oh and I guess I'll be posting those pics tonight... whooooo am I ready? lol

I have to go to work soon.... :(

Pray for me!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

First That, Now This

Soooo, I've just experienced my first relapse. :(

I'm not completely down in the dumps about it because I still feel like I'm in control, you know? Well anyway, I didn't have the fish and everything that I said I would have for dinner. Instead, I came home to a steak fresh out of the oven and it was delicious!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG! lol

Do I regret it? Well, not neccesarrily. At least I'm not hungry anymore, right? Well anyway, I'm going back to the gym tomorrow morning. Back to the same ole rigamorole. I'm actually excited tho.. like, going to the gym really starts my day off in a good way. PLUS, I have a guest pass and a good friend of mine is coming with me. Let's hope that this all goes well!

Oh, and as for my relapse.. well, mistakes happen, and no one is perfect.

Are You Hungry?

So the funny thing about me trying to lose weight is that I work in a restaurant where my food is 70% off! The worst part is that I work primarily around the fried foods, cookies, chips, everything fattening that you could imagine! But, the good thing is that there is a really nice deli and salad bar that I have been taking lots of advantage of lately. I'm going to start keeping a food journal on as well. I think it's important to write down what I am eating.

Breakfast: Yoplait Strawberry Yogurt with granola and cranberried raisins

Lunch: Salad: Spinich, Mixed greens, kalamata olives, carrots, strawberries, grape tomatoes, oranges, feta cheese grilled chicken, broccoli, & cucumbers, all topped with a very small amount of oil and vinegar!

PAUSEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Now, I was told by a personal trainer that six small meals a day is the best route to go and I started doing that at first, but it got too complicated because I always do so much work in one day. So, I'll probably end up in the long run doing 3-4 small meals a day.

For dinner, I will have baked cat fish, steamed brown rice and broccoli. And about an hour or two before bedtime, I'll have a snack, like yogurt, a banana, or.... hmm.. idk!

Do you keep a food journal?

Monday, June 1, 2009

The First Weigh In

Bonjour, Hola, Hello!

I've decided to create this blog as an extension of one of my posts from my primary blog, , where I discuss my life in full. However, because this is such a big deal to me, I've decided to add a separate blog for my weightloss this summer. After three years of non stop crash dieting, quick fixes and being sad and upset about my weight, I am finally doing something about it!

About a month ago, I joined one of the most prominent fitness clubs in America, Bally Total Fitness. Now, I will admit, when I first signed up, I went like a week straight, not everyday, but after that week straight, I was gone for like 2 weeks. Then, I had my one free personal training session and thankfully received some tips about how to work on what I want to improve.

I've drastically changed my diet, but not to the point where I can't handle what I'm used to eating. I did it to the point where it's still food I like, it' just more healthy. At first I was doing this as a short-term thing, you know, to just be in shape and fit for however long I could keep it up. HOWEVER, I am in this to make a lifestyle change! When I get some time, between today and wednesday evening, I will be posting current pics, which in the future will be call the before pics to be compared with the after pics. I am so super serious about this. I'm tired of hating my body!

My weight: 193.3 (last time I checked..)
My Height: 5'4"
My Dedication level: 100%

leave your comments and encouragement please!

p.s. I will have updates 1-3 times a week!